
scrollnav works by scanning a single passed HTML Element for section landmarks–by default h2 elements–that it then uses to generate the navigation schema.

Page markup

The content should be wrapped in a container to avoid including unintended landmarks in the nav. If we were to look at a typical document, it might look like this:

<div class="main-content">
  <h2>First section</h2>
  <h2>Second section</h2>
  <h2>Third section</h2>


Next, we’ll save the .main-content container Element to a variable and then pass it on to scrollnav. In this example we’ll use .querySelector() but you could also use .getElementByID() or .getElementByClassName().

const content = document.querySelector('.main-content');

scrollnav will then loop through the the h2 elements, add an ID if they don’t already have one, build the nav, and then inject it just before the .main-content Node. The result for our example document would look like this:

<nav class="scroll-nav">
  <ol class="scroll-nav__list">
    <li class="scroll-nav__item">
      <a class="scroll-nav__link" href="#scroll-nav__1">
        First heading
<div class="main-content">
  <h2 id="scroll-nav__1">First Heading</h2>